kapal perang ironclad bahasa Inggris
- kapal: carrier; liner; ship; ship's; ships; vessel;
- kapal perang: battle ship; battleship; war boat; war ship; war
- perang: brown; war; campaign; martial; dark-brown;
- kapal ironclad fusō: japanese ironclad fusō
- kapal ironclad ryūjō: japanese ironclad ryūjō
- kapal perang: battle ship; battleship; war boat; war ship; war vessel; warcraft; warship; warships; battleships; battlewagon; pre-dreadnought; ship of war; man-of-war; combat ship
- filem ironclad: ironclad (film)
- bintang perang galactica (kapal): battlestar galactica (fictional spacecraft)
- diplomasi kapal perang: gunboat diplomacy
- jenis kapal perang modern: warship types of the 19th & 20th centuries
- kapal perang amerika serikat: ships of the united states navy
- kapal perang amerika syarikat: battleships of the united states
- kapal perang amfibi: amphibious warfare ship
- kapal perang belanda: naval ships of the netherlands
- kapal perang bismarck: german battleship bismarck
- It's not an ironclad battleship.
Bukan kapal perang Ironclad. - Ryūjō (龍驤), was a steam ironclad warship of the Imperial Japanese Navy, designed by Thomas Blake Glover and built in Scotland for the private navy of the fief of Kumamoto, where it was called the Jo Sho Maru.
Ryūjō (龍驤), adalah Kapal perang Ironclad bertenaga Uap Angkatan laut kekaisaran Jepang, didesain oleh Thomas Blake Glover dan dilahirkan di Skotlandia untuk Armada Angkatan bajak laut Kumamoto, dimana dikenal sebagai kelompok Jo Sho Maru..